This book follows the lives of two people. The first one is Ellen Moore, who is married with three children. She works as a social worker and is dedicated to her job. The second one is Jenny Briard, a ten year old girl who has been living with her father. He tries to take are of Jenny, but can't keep a job, likes, women, and tends to drink too much.
Each character has an event happern to them that is bound to change their lives. A devastating accident involving Ellen's youngest child puts that child at death's door and threatens to imprison Ellen. At the same time, Jenny finds herself on her own and has to find the strenght to survive.
As their paths cross, events keep rolling along and you don't know if things are going to work out or not. I found the story very intriguing and was able to read it quickly because I found the subject matter so interesting. I will for more books written by this author.
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