Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

How do people respond to other's expectations?  How do people respond to their own expectations?  That's what this book is about.  Rubin separates people into 4 main types -- Upholders, Questioners, Obligers, and Rebels.  (You can take a quiz about which type you are.)  Chapters are then devoted to each one, describing strengths and weaknesses, as well as strategies that might help you deal with yourself or others. 

This is an interesting book.  I think Rubin does a good job with personality insights.  Your "type" isn't the entire magic answer to all of life's problems, but if you're looking for some tips on why you struggle to keep your own resolutions, how to work with someone who doesn't do what you ask, or how to encourage someone to follow good advice, "The Four Tendencies" might offer some new ideas.

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