The story begins with a little girl of five experiencing the death of her mother and little sister, and the disappearance of her older brother at the hands of the Shawnee. She is left with her preacher father. He does send her East for a couple of years to help in her aunt's seamstress shop.
When she returns to the cabin she shares with her father, she is a beautiful young woman. Now she finds that her pa is in failing health, and every man around wants to court her. Unfortunately not many of the men are very appealing to Morrow. She is fearful and worried much of the time because of the unrest between the settlers, the soldiers, and the Indians. There is a particular young half-breed that she keeps crossing paths with. Can she let go of her past and forgive those who have wronged her? Will she choose to marry someone, just to stop other unwanted advances and so her pa can see her settled?
Morrow faces much turmoil and really doesn't know what the future holds for her. The telling is in the rest of the story when you find out the choices she makes, and the adventures that await her.
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