Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reagan Diaries by Ronald Reagan

Based on Reagan's personal diaries, kept daily over a period of eight years, this book gives us more insight into the REAL Ronald Reagan.  During his 2 terms as our 40th president he kept a diary that has proven very revealing not only for conservatives, but for anyone who wishes to learn about the depth of a very interesting man.  These diaries demonstrate both the deep wisdom, strong conviction and the charming humor of this great man.  Re-living all the major events of the 1980s is made deeply personal as the President recorded his meals, doctor's visits, private visitors, movies, books, horseback rides and ranch chores alongside the great moments of his time.  President Reagan's convictions and deeply-held beliefs clearly guided his decisions and actions, as he recorded them for history. His habits of not taking himself too seriously, reaching across the aisle in bipartisanship and staying rooted in moral truth set good examples for those who succeed him.

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