Thursday, October 3, 2013

50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants by Ruth Roger Clausen

What do you do when the deer eat your freshly bloomed tulips? A lot of thought and money go into buying the right bulbs in the right colors. The bulbs are planted a whole season ahead of time. It is very disappointing after all that trouble to have the buds eaten off just before they bloom or the day after they have bloomed. Soooo.... this book has the answers to your problem. You might not be able to have tulips, but you can have daffodils and ornamental onions, which are very pretty. The book includes not only bulbs, but annuals, perennials, shrubs, ferns, herbs, and grasses that deer do not like. Some of my favorites are the fringed bleeding heart, peonies, and yarrow. The pictures included are also fantastic. Time to get some new plants for the garden!

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