Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia

High school student Alice Hatmaker has an amazing voice.  She is delighted that her twin brother, bassoonist Bert, gets to attend the annual statewide music conference in the grand Bellweather Hotel with her.  Full of confidence and anticipation, little did Alice know what the weekend has in store for her.
Alice is staying in the same room that had a murder-suicide 15 years earlier witnessed by the young bridesmaid Minnie Grave.  Could a murder happen in the same room again?  Alice and Minnie cross paths and their lives are impacted, as with the other characters in this multi-plot story, including the concierge Harold Hastings, the abrasive conductor Fisher Brodie and the chaperone Natalie Wilson.
I enjoyed this novel and was surprised by the ending.

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