Thursday, July 30, 2015

What Pet Should I Get? by Dr. Seuss

When I was a lad, Dr. Seuss was the fad
and  I learned to read at his hand. 
But then he passed on,
and the new books were gone,
and darkness fell over the land.

But deep in his study lay
a box which he had,
stuffed with his manuscripts
both good and bad. 
His projects and riddles,
his drawings and musings,
his thoughts and his trials.
What the world might be losing!

But a few fine new folks
out at Random House Books,
convinced his wife Audrey
to take a fresh look. 

Among all the papers and drawings and creatures,
was the plans for this book, an unfinished feature! 
The problem is simple, What Pet Should I Get? 
The answer is tough, Seuss surprises us yet! 

So set back, my dear reader,
grab kids if you have them,
and share this new book! 

Here, now delivered, what children are needing,
a new book from Seuss, 

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