Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

     Decide, then don't decide.  Rubin says, "Habits require no decision from me, because I've already decided.  Am I going to brush my teeth tonight?  This freedom from decision making is crucial, because when I have to decide -- which often involves resisting temptation or postponing gratification -- I tax my self-control."  Putting much of our everyday lives on automatic allows us to use our daily limit of self-control & decision making where it's really needed, instead of wasting it on mundane things.
     Rubin presents very practical strategies for habit formation, the main one being:  Work with yourself and your personality!  Do you need outside accountability or a good reason for doing (whatever behavior) before a habit sticks?  If you decide to quit or cut back on (x), are you personally more likely to be successful going cold turkey forever, or indulging in moderation?
     Written with plenty of humor, research, and personal examples, "Better Than Before" might just help you make your New Year's resolutions into habits that stick.

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