Monday, October 10, 2016

Claiming Noah by Amanda Ortlepp

This is the story of two mothers and their families. The first mom, Catriona and her husband James, by necessity, use in-vitro fertilization in order to have a child. The second mom, Diana, and her husband, Liam, adopt the leftover embryo of Catriona and James. So then, while Catriona is in a clinic recovering from puerperal psychosis, her baby dies of SIDS while in the care of her husband, James. Instead of telling her, James decides to hide the death of the baby , use nefarious means to find out about the baby born from the other embryo, and hatches a plan to kidnap the biological brother. Amazingly, this plan works and goes undetected for 2 years until a blood test at a doctor visit reveals that the baby was not the one born to Catriona and James. Lots of emotions and trauma occur in both women's lives. The story culminates in a legal battle to discover who will end up being parents to the young Noah. I found this book to be intriguing and was quickly carried away with the story. It was a good read.

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