Sunday, January 30, 2011

100 Cross Stitch Patterns by Jane Greenoff

After Christmas in the long days of winter I always get the yen to do some stitching, sewing, crocheting, or knitting. My crocheting and knitting skills are limited as I have never made it past the scarf stage. Cross stitch and embroidery are a little more easy for me to do.
Working at the library I often see books come across the desk on these subjects and I love to take them home and at least look at all the fun and colorful projects afforded by different authors and companies. Some books are truly beautiful and show real works of skill, artistry, and craftsmanship.
This book on cross stitch offered simple motifs and alphabets that could easily be incorporated into bookmarks, so I stitched up 2 bookmarks. I stitched one bookmark with the letters of my sister's name and will send it to her in Arizona with a Valentine's Day card. The other one is for my daughter's boyfriend who is going into the Navy soon. I am thinking about doing a couple of other simple things because I like the bees, the flowers, and the cottages. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a project that can be finished in a day or two.

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